Creating a campaign

Work with the system for advertisers starts with the creation of the campaign. The advertising campaign is the main tool of the system. A campaign represents a container to which is added one or more ads.

With the campaign to regulate prices, to target the right audience, to set limits, budget, time, and regions of broadcast and other critical parameters. In one campaign can be as one, and several similar ads.

On the page of the Campaign, click Create an ad campaign:

Создание кампании. Рисунок 1.

Information about the campaign.

Создание кампании. Рисунок 2.

In the first step you'll need to specify the name of the campaign, it can be anything, a link to the advertised source (URL) and choose the subject of advertising. The group is required for convenience only, in the case when campaigns will be a lot of groups it is convenient to store.

Choice format.

Создание кампании. Рисунок 3.

Select the ad format.
Select from the following advertising formats:

The advertising message consisting of images, title and description to choose from. Suitable for any kinds of promotional campaigns.

Cheap Intrusive advertising format. Clickunder triggered when the user clicks anywhere on the site, this time popping up a new window with your website. This format is suitable for those who need fast results for little money, designed for mass or call attention to a new product.

24 мая 2021 г.