Buy mobile traffic

By AdHub Team on 01.05.2021

The Internet does not stand still and every year the question is where to buy mobile traffic is becoming increasingly important. According to statistics, the share of mobile network traffic is up to 60% of the total traffic and this percentage is constantly increasing.

What is mobile traffic?

Mobile traffic is going to a website that is run by a user with a mobile device, such as:

  • Smartphone.
  • PDA.
  • Tablet.
  • Laptop or PC connected to the Internet via 3g/4g modem.

Old school Internet marketers and webmasters sometimes referred to as mobile traffic wap traffic. It went from the days when Internet came through this data transmission standard, mobile operators and the traffic was very expensive and was calculated by kilobytes. Webmasters created a special wap sites with minimal graphics and bloat.

Connection types

The user can go online through:

  • 2g/3g/4g channel.
  • Wi-Fi connection.

Where to buy mobile traffic?

Mobile traffic can be bought in the teaser networks, where there is a corresponding targeting in your campaign settings. The sources of such traffic can be as regular sites, mobile versions and applications for mobile phones and tablets. As a result of evolution at the moment mobile traffic present in a particular number on any website.

What is important to know when buying?

Don't forget that mobile users are very sensitive to the speed of the channel and limited display size. Make Your landing are most adapted to a large number of devices, and keep the server as it is possible closer to the end user.

In some models work better - CPC or CPM?

To get started, and tests we recommend that to start with mobile traffic with pay-per-click. This is a more predictable way. After the advertising campaign has acquired some statistics, calculate is it profitable to work on a CPM model and make a decision. This is the optimal approach.